Who-Dunit 5.03 Interactive Player Documentation ****** You may download this doc file along with the letter written by Barny Fife and the whats new file in a small .ZIP file from the main menu.******** This doc file is for those who don't remember Barney Fife of Mayberry RFD. Or may be looking for tips! Who-Dunit is played like the popular board game Clue. basically a process of elimination. As you map your way through the Mansion you should add any suspects or weapons you come across to your detective notebook. You can then match your list against the list the game provides of suspects and weapons. The Murderer has left town with the murder weapon so the person and weapon you never come across must be the one? You may move a weapon to another location in the mansion, but remember others are doing the same to you. You may make an accusation any time you like, but if you're wrong you loose all remaining turns for the day. For this reason you should wait until you have used up your turns before making your guess. You do not have to be at the scene of the crime to make an accusation. However, you must be in the room the in which the Murder was committed when you make your final accusation. If your final guess was wrong try and remember it until your next log in as you can then add it to your detective notebook. The House Detective gets a chance once per day to solve the mystery. You are not only playing against other players but the House Detective as well. The room the Murder was committed in will become obvious to you as you play. * TEAMS * The team options will let you start a new team, join an exsisting team or leave a team. You may read your team mates detective notebooks and then add all of the items your team members may have found to your detective notebook. This can save a lot of time hunting through the mansion! Once you start a team you may advertize for Team mates by leaving a message for ALL from the Saved written Message section. You must have the correct password to join a team. If you start a team you will have to make up the password. * Interactive Play * In the registered version of Who-Dunit 5.02 you can send messages back and forth with other players who may be online. This greatly enhances game play! From the main menu of Who-Dunit use the 'Y' key to check for other players who may be online. Once the list of players comes up, you will be asked if you would like to send one of the listed players a message. Enter the players number and you will be able to send three full lines of text. You will only receive messages while at the main menu. With messaging, you can give other players your team password or learn theirs. You can also coordinate which direction you have or will be traveling through the mansion, so you can each cover more ground. Before you sign off for the day you can use the Team member option of looking at and copying all of the weapons and suspects your team mate my have found during his or her turns. Any game suggestions are always welcome at the N.U.G.I. ConSorTium 413-443-8878 I also monitor the Fidonet DOORWARE and DOORGAME echos That's about it, good luck and have fun! Dave Wendling Who-Dunit ver 5.03 (c) 1990-94